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Documentation of California's Greenhouse Gas Inventory (First Edition - Last updated on 11/19/2007)

♦ Category: Energy

IPCC: 1A1b - Fuel Combustion Activities - Energy Industries - Petroleum Refining
Sector: Industrial : Petroleum Refining

♦ Activity: Fuel combustion - Associated gas

♦ Greenhouse gas: Carbon dioxide ( CO2 )

► Year 1990 —

● Greenhouse gas emission estimate —

Amount: 655,477 tonnes of CO2 Emitted (655,477 tonnes CO2 Eq.)
Basis: Calculation
Calculation: [Fuel combustion] * [Heat content] * [Fuel CO2 emission]
Reference: Murtishaw, S., De La Rue du Can, S,. Price, L., Masanet, E., and Simcich, M. (2005). CALEB: California Energy Balance Database, September 12, 2005. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.

● Activity level used in calculations —

Activity: Fuel combustion = 12,454,194,856 scf of Associated gas
Basis: Data
Reference: Gough, A. (2007). Personal communication (data from the CEC's Quarterly Fuels and Energy Report) between Larry Hunsaker of the CA Air Resources Board and Andrea Gough of the California Energy Commission. Summer 2007.

● Parameters and Constants used in calculations —

Parameter: Fuel CO2 emission = 0.0651 g / btu
Reference: Wang, D. M. (2007). Personal communication between Larry Hunsaker, CA Air Resources Board and Michael D. Wang, Senior Advisor, Western States Petroleum Association. Summer 2007.
Parameter: Heat content = 808 btu / scf
Reference: Wang, D. M. (2007). Personal communication between Larry Hunsaker, CA Air Resources Board and Michael D. Wang, Senior Advisor, Western States Petroleum Association. Summer 2007.

● Greenhouse gas emitted per unit activity —

Amount: 52.6 g of CO2 per scf of Associated gas