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Comment 97 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameLori
Last NameJenkins
SubjectCap and Trade in Calilfornia
Considering human caused global warming is based on junk science
"climate gate".  There is little to no reliable evidence that
carbon dioxide has any warming effect on the planet.  In fact
carbon dioxide is an essential element in our atmospere.  Cap and
Trade will further hurt California's economy, driving business and
industry out of California and into states and countries that do
not have California's regulaltions, China having virtually no
environmental regulation at all.  Considering California gets 25%
of our polution from Chima, how exactly does California benefit
from Cap and Trade?

It seems the major voices in favor of Cap and Trade are making
quite of money on this scam at our expense.  California's economy
is the victim of greed and corruption with no better air quality to
show for it.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-01 08:46:50

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