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Comment 152 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NamePatrick
Last NameDullea
SubjectAB 32 global warming HOAX
Go full force, on AB 32 so taxpayers and voters will know once and
for all what total lunatics and idiots you guys are.  When voters
are hit with punitive energy costs they will know who to get rid of
next voting opportunity.  The carbon-CON is on and we all know it. 
Your eco-KOOK agenda is out of the bag.  We know it's all a hoax
and no repetitious showing of Al Gores BS slide film,  which is all
based on fraudulent assertions and rigged computer models, will
convince rational thinking public.  I look forward to the public
outrage your reckless carbon-CON will bring about.  It will cause a
complete house cleaning of the incompetent california legislature. 
 Bring it on.  The carbon-CON.    

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-04 18:23:43

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