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Comment 187 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameAmy
Last NameSellers
SubjectImplementing AB32 Unwise
With many elements of AB32 still in dispute scientifically, and a
severely depressed business climate, this is not the time to impose
the new regulations and reporting requirements on Californians or
any doing business here.
-Even Al Gore has refuted the value of ethanol - it pollutes the
groundwater and takes more energy to produce than it gives. 
   (this has also been objected to by developping nations who need
the grains for food!)

- Carbon Dioxide benefits California's agriculture (one of our most
important industries) and all the flora.

-California's businesses are already overtaxed and overregulated. 
They are fighting for survival now.  Who will be left to pay the
taxes if they close their doors?

-The science of global warming was falsely documented, so AB32 is
based on a (passioately held) lie and as such should be repealed,
not implemented.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-08 08:58:19

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