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Comment 213 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameJonathan
Last NameYoung
SubjectAB 32 vs Prop 23
Prop. 23 went down in flames in California because the vast
majority of voters, conservative, libertarian, or liberal correctly
saw it as a dirty energy lobby.  Everyone here knows PG&E, Valero
and Tesoro overcharge their customers and are the worst polluters
fighting like mad to block AB 32.  So when we saw their dirty
fingerprints on this proposition, it was no contest.

Even conservatives who have reservations about some aspects of AB
32 were by and large against Prop. 23.

Californians want to lead the country in clean energy just like we
did in the computer industry. By dedicating more of our desert
lands to solar and wind development, we could be net energy
exporters and create a major business and employment stimulus for
our state.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-09 11:41:27

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