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Comment 240 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First Namesupun
Last Nameedirisinghe
SubjectThe Biggest Polluters should not be rewarded.
The Biggest Polluters should not be rewarded. They should be forced
to hire Californians and re-invest in California to clean up the
pollution that they cause. 

I am concerned and disappointed that the implementation of AB 32
will involve giving away pollution allowances to the biggest
polluters. This is unfair to the tax payers that have been footing
the bill to keep our overpopulated state as clean as possible. I
have faith that your board will not disincentive-ize the companies
that have done the worst to hurt our environment to clean up their
act. I see this as a big flaw in the cap and trade plan. You want
the market move towards making the big polluters to go out of
business unless they clean up and incentivise more agile greener
businesses to take their place. 

Of course, we don't want those companies to go out of business we
want them to rapidly get with the times and listen to their
neighbors in California. The vote on prop 23 is a sign of the
times. We want pollution to be better managed. We want to reward
the good companies. 

If multi-million and multibillion dollar companies can sell and
trade their allowances for a profit, I don't think it will make
them change to more efficient use of our land, skies and water. We
want them to hire more people to fix the problems that they have
created. We want them to invest back into california not sell off
their allowances and slowly adjust their levels of pollution. They
need to be held accountable to be part of the solution, and we need
to create the incentives and punishments to make that happen! 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-09 18:00:27

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