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Comment 316 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameGina
Last NameKray
SubjectPlease adopt the CA cap on greenhouse Gas emissions etc
We can act now or pay heavily later. In the past we have had
opportunities to make progress in this area and we did not take
advantage of it. In fact the progress that was made was reversed
during the Reagan administration. We are now seeing the impact with
rapidly melting polar icecaps and extreme weather conditions than
have lead to flooding and droughts. Of course we could
procrastinate longer until the situation brings us to our knees or
we could act with wisdom now and begin to shift in a new direction.
The fossil fuel companies need to get on board and be part of the
solution and become innovative in creating clean energy technology.
Perhaps it would be more palatable to them if there were state and
federal incentives offered that would inspire their leadership to
move in a different direction. I would rather see everyone working
side by side rather than engaging in negative time wasting battles
to maintain the status quo. Yes they've a heavy investment in
fossil fuel energy so let's be empathetic and give incentives for
the changes we want to see. As a consumer I will support any fossil
fuel industry that can demonstrate progress in this
direction.Please support all legislation to move us rapidly in a
new direction. It is time for conscious peoples to unite in working
towards progressive change. Our children will be the beneficiaries
of our actions right now and we will have the satisfaction of
creating a better future for them whether we are here to see it or

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-10 14:30:21

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