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Comment 335 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First Namef
Last Namemangels
Affiliationretired scientist
Subjectgreenhouse gas emissions
Yes global warming is real, and we are the cause.  We should take
action ASAP with everything we can do.  While parts of the proposal
are good, giving away permits is sheer folly.

You should be selling these permits and strongly penalizing,
fining, and making the polluters pay for their pollution.  I don't
care if my energy bills go up, but I perceive there corporations
already practically own us and the government.  If we the people
are not heard, and heard well, we will probably have very hard
times ahead as guinea pigs unto ourselves.

Original File NameGeoEngineering WhatWeKnow.doc
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-10 15:22:09

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