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Comment 367 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameCelestine
Last NameArndt
SubjectProposed Cap on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
4 years ago I traveled to China to see for myself  how the Chinese
were addressing their pollution problems and encouraging energy
efficiency in their electric generation.
There were some forward thinking factory managers who had decided
to address both problems in Jiangsu Province. They were elated to
tell us that they had recouped the initial investment require, had
lessened air pollution, and had avoided building yet another coal
fired electric generating plant. Today, China has instituted
national standards and the government demands that drastic
reductions in carbon emissions continue annually.

I tell you this to encourage you to be bold. California must lead
this nation. But I urge you also not to provide loopholes for
polluting industries like offset protocols. No more half measures.
Let's get the caps on the books and let industry adapt. There's our
health to consider, damages to wildlife, forests and water sources
- we must rein in carbon emissions - for our sake, for the world,
and for  future generations. Thank you for your attention.

I tell you 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-10 17:26:47

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