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Comment 404 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameDennis
Last NamePatton
Affiliationself employed winemaker
Subjectproposed rules for cap and trade
I live in Mendocino County and want you to stand firm in the face
of coming denial and objection from climate change deniers. The
science is overwhelming at this point and almost all opposition to
coming regulation comes from hacks that are either directly funded
by various arms of the fossil fuel industries or are reps from
those industries. As a citizen I am willing to pay more to get off
the oil, gas and coal treadmill. Our home and small ranch is
already powered 100% by solar power and we are looking forward to
having the opportunity to purchase an electric car soon. We will
add on to our solar system to produce all the extra power that this
will require. This is serious investment in our state and can be
multiplied tens of thousands of times if you set your rules high
and hard.
 Change and fast from what has been needs to happen swiftly if we
are to have much of a planet left for our children. I totally fear
what lack of action in other states and countries (especially
China) will have our children asking us in less then 20 years "what
were you thinking, why didn't you act in the face of mountains of
Traveling to the so called heartland recently I was depressed by
the complete lack of concern and common knowledge about what we as
a species face. It is up to us to show the path to the future.
Other states are under the trance of Fox News talking heads such as
Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.The time to act is now and you have a clear
message from the voters who turned down the Trojan Horse of prop 23
funded by the fossil fuel industry.
Us citizens are willing to pay more for real change and to grow the
new energy economy now here in California.
Thank you,
Dennis Patton  

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-11 01:09:43

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