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Comment 405 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameHerman
Last NameMiller
AffiliationEnvironmental Developers Inc.
As a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) I would like
to express my appreciation to the members of the CARB for their
continuing efforts to ward off the disastrous effects of climate
change that daily quickens its pace.
My expertise is in the treatment of wastewaters and solid waste
wherein by the total use of anaerobic processes makes possible the
complete elimination of billions of tons per day of the greenhouse
gasses (GhG) in wastewater treatment alone.
Only the concerted action of bodies such as yours will break the
lethargy and overcome the inertia of current practitioners in this
field, a field wherein answers to these problems are and have been
available for some time and more will arise and be put into
practice with your encouragement.
I thank you for what you do.

Original File NameNEWS RELEASE NOVEMBER 13 2010.docx
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-12-11 05:21:00

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