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Comment 81 for California Cap-and-Trade Program (capandtrade10) - 45 Day.

First NameGreg
Last NameMyers
SubjectCalifornia Cap on Greenhousse Emissions
Global warming is a pathetic hoax.  According to the Heritage
Foundation's National Center of Policy Analysis, greenhouse gases
make up only 2% of the earth's atmosphere and carbon dioxide is
only 3.62% of all greenhouse gases.   In addition to that, all
human activity creates a infinitesimally small .0025% of all the
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.  So mankind's contribution to the
non-existent problem is miniscule.  

Add to that the fact that the maximum reduction of man-caused
carbon dioxide via the implementation of a global cap and trade
program is estimated to be less than 3%, and simple logic tells us
that even if global warming were an authentic threat, our very best
efforts would have no noticeable impact.  Give it up!  It's a dead

Further more, California is flat broke.  Our state economy is in
complete shambles and we have the worst business climate of any
state in the union.  Companies are leaving the state in droves and
new start ups are scarcer than ice cream cones in the Sahara. A
costly cap and trade program may push us beyond any hope of
significant recovery.  Give it up!  It's a pointless, lost cause. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-11-30 21:20:28

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