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Comment 34 for Car Scrap Program (carscrap09) - 45 Day.

First NameAngela
Last NameSchoof
SubjectOpposed to Scrappage Program
I am opposed to this vehicle scrappage program. 

The automotive aftermarket, including automotive repair shops and
the companies that manufacture and sell auto parts, bring a
significant amount of revenue to the state. 

Repairing an older vehicle is the best form of "green" becuase you
are re-using your possesions, instead of discarding and replacing
them. It takes fewer resources to keep an older vehicle in good
condition and on the road, than it takes to build and transport a
new vehicle. 

Older cars that are kept in good condition are not the problem.
This allows cars that pass smog checks to be eligible. The intent
of these programs should be to get cars that don't work off the
road, not to pay for cars in good condition.

These programs do not take the collector and classic cars into
consideration. Preserving the automotive heritage of our country is

Also, in the current financial position our state is in, I do not
think we should be using tax dollars in this way. Use the tax
dollars to educate our children, keep the state parks open, and
keep the citizens safe.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2009-06-08 09:53:11

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