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Comment 64 for Car Scrap Program (carscrap09) - 45 Day.

First NameRobert
Last NameAndrews
SubjectGood Intentions.. short sighted results
For a bankrupt state to set aside 30 million dollars, for a
non-problem is either grand-standing or ignorance by the bill

Pre 1976 automobiles account for a small, and ever shrinking,
percentage of cars on the road already.. hence not the smog menace
that requires 30 million dollars of tax-payer money.

the impact of destroying these cars in the name of the environment
is... well.. just plain short-sighted...

the environmental cost to recover the scrap metal from these cars
far out weights anything you may be saving.. their ie the trucking
costs to move them to a crushing, smelting location, the cost of
melting down and fabrication of the metal to make it useful, and
the finally , the energy and environmental cost of making something
useful again.. another car?? ever hear of carbon debt?

Not to mention what are you going to do with the foam. plastic and
vinyl from these cars?? dot the landscape with even more
landfills.. or pay another state to pollute their land?

Finally the "Let them eat cake" attitude.. somehow you believe you
are doing the low-income families a favor, by paying them $1800 for
their car, and/or taking all affordable used cars off the market..

that would be all good if new cars cost between $2000 and $4000
by taking all affordable automobiles off the road, you are in
effect tell low-income families "you don't deserve a car"...

All I can say.. is cleaning up smog is a good cause... but this is
the most ill-conceived piece of legislation I've seen in a long
time. 30 million dollars, could be better spent elsewhere.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2009-06-21 09:14:36

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