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Comment 36 for Administrative Fee Regulation (feereg09) - 45 Day.

First NameAlbert
Last Namebatteate
Subjectcabover trucks truck and trailer
I have cabover truck and trailers combos cattle trucks the lenght
for a combination of this sort is 65 feet the trucks have a 28'box
and they pull a 28' trailer thes combinations where the standard
truck to haul livestock because of the nather of roads And terane
they had to navagate there are still a lot of cattle ranches &
Sheep ranches that require this type of truck to get there
livestock to market and seasonal grassing alotments 
     We transport our cattle from mountain pastures spring to the
organ borderFall pastures 450 moma cows & calves that equates to
someware around 30,000 per year .now the problem the truck
companeys that are left dont have many of thes units left so there
is already a shortage of them every spring and fall.
 with the new law on diesel trucks thes will not be leagal soon.
 The truck manufactures no longer make cabover trucks and if they
did no one could aford to have them setting around 75% of the
 so how are we supost to ship our cattle from pasture to pasture
or to market the other option is i understand the older trucks are
ok to run 15,000 miles a year so shood I buy 4 more and put cowboys
driving them to move our catte !
 I realy think that would put people at risk of injury the roads
thes trucks drive are narrow windy mountain roads with grades 20%  

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2009-06-30 18:24:24

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