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Comment 1 for Administrative Fee Regulation (feereg09) - 15-1.

First NameKirstin
Last NameWallace
SubjectAB 32 Cost of Implementation Fee Regulation
Please note that your attempt to enact the following bill and its
fee provisions will further bankrupt this State and cause greater
economic turmoil than already exists in California.  This attempt
by the State government to access fees on producers of carbon
emission, and thus "greenhouse gasses" will do no more to protect
the health and welfare of this State than it will to create
jobs...and that it to say that it will do nothing but drive
industry and those that bring jobs and properity to this State
away.  This is like punching holes in a sinking ship and I would
hope you would scrap this bill and its fee arangements and bring
some sanity back to how laws are created and enforced on the
public.  The fact that your reviewers can somehow measure that the
consumer will only receive a $4.00 a year surge in utility and fuel
costs is nothing more than laughable in that the ripple of affects
of this legislation will end up causing the people of California so
much more in jobs lost and welfare/unemployment benefits as
industry is driven away. Please take in to consideration those that
love and take care of this State on a practical day-to-day level
because it is those of us that do that realize more and more that
our representative do not have this States best interesets in mind
in crafting this type of legislation.  Please reconsider the
implementation of AB 32 and its corresponding amendments and work
instead on spending within our means and bringing private industry
back to California. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-03-02 16:54:37

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