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Comment for GHG Reduction Fund - Hearing on Investment Plan (ghgreductfund13) - Non-Reg.

First NameAndrew
Last NameSchneller
AffiliationSkidmore College
SubjectSupport for Vessel Speed Reduction Initiative
Dear Ms. Nichols and California Air Pollution Control District
Board Members:

As an ocean and whale enthusiast, marine researcher, and professor,
my students and I have spent the last four years living amongst the
whales of Baja California Sur, Mexico. My study abroad students and
I have witnessed mating, birthing, and play among various species
of migratory whales. I understand how fragile these populations
have become, and the dedication needed, globally, to secure safe
whale habitat and passages. 

I am concerned that large cargo ships traveling off our CA coast
produce significant GHG and toxic air emissions that impact our
coastal communities. Equally of significance, ship strikes also
pose a threat to migrating whales. 

Slowing down cargo ships can help to meet multiple objectives in
your Draft Cap-and-Trade Investment Plan including: reducing GHG
emissions and other air pollutants, improving public health, and
better protecting our global population of whales. 

As such, I support including vessel speed reduction in your Final
Plan as a priority for funding, and also request that Cap-and-Trade
money be directed to the Vessel Speed Reduction Initiative. 

Original File Nametail.JPG
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2013-04-22 11:53:30

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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