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Comment 52 for Target Setting Efforts Under Senate Bill 375 (senbill375) - Non-Reg.

First NameDennis
Last NameZane
SubjectSB 375

June 23, 2010

California Air Resources Board
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA  95814

Re: Support for implementation of SB 375

Dear Chairwoman Mary Nichols, Board Members and CARB Staff:

Move LA is the business-labor-environmental coalition that was
behind the passage of the Measure R sales tax in Los Angeles
County, which dedicates about $30 billion for the development of a
dozen rail and bus lines over 30 years. Move LA is now working with
the local and federal governments to find ways to finance all 30
years of projects in 10 years. We believe this kind of aggressive
transit investment will begin to make Los Angeles County more
sustainable by providing families with more transportation choices
– choices that help reduce traffic congestion as well as greenhouse
gas emissions. 

The voters of LA County stepped up and voted to tax themselves –
even as the worst recession in a century was bearing down upon us –
in order to redress the imbalances in policy and funding that have
made investing in roads easy and investing in transit hard.
Families need more transportation options – to ease the burden of
rising transportation costs and to protect them against the
uncertainty of gas prices in the future.

SB 375 helps the Southern California region address all of these
problems and to accommodate population growth in a way that will
mitigate the impact of growth without diminishing quality of life.

SB 375 offers communities incentives to plan and develop in a way
that will allow for more efficient land use and distribution of
infrastructure and municipal services. It will do this by
encouraging the development of neighborhoods that provide more
transportation and housing choices for households of all income
levels and ages, from first-time renters and buyers to empty

SB 375will help support public transit by encouraging development
near transit lines and stations, thereby making transit more
convenient, and by correcting the jobs-housing imbalance in
communities, thereby making it more likely that commuters can get
there by transit – or on foot or by bike. 

The economic recession and Gulf oil spill, as well as the state’s
budget problems, prove how badly we need to set a new and more
sustainable course. SB 375 provides the incentives. The rest of the
country, and the world, is watching to see it work.


Denny Zane
Executive Director
Move LA

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-06-23 10:47:27

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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