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Comment 56 for Target Setting Efforts Under Senate Bill 375 (senbill375) - Non-Reg.

First NameBill
Last NameBroz
SubjectSB 375
Dear Chairwoman Mary Nichols, Board Members and CARB Staff:

I stongly support SB 375.  Here's why:

  - It leverages smart growth strategies such as transit-oriented
development and mixed-use to get real, measurable implementation of
our state's climate-change statute (AB32)
  - It fosters livable urban density.  That is inherently a
"green" strategy, as cities use our limited resources more
efficiently than any other form of human development.
  - In addition to helping clean up our air, the TOD aspect in
particular will get cars off the road and foster more-effient (and
more pleasant!) rail travel

There's one other thing.  I've seen it work.  As a native of
Washington state, over the last 25 years I've seen their Growth
Management Act effectively concentrate development and
transportation structures into identified urban corridors.  Seattle
(my home town) and other large cities are all the more livable
because of it.

So California can take a cue from its neighbor to the north.  But
it's time for us once again to exert national leadership in
sustainable development.  That is our legacy - and our future.  


Bill Broz

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-06-23 11:18:44

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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