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Comment 3 for Target Setting Efforts Under Senate Bill 375 (senbill375) - Non-Reg.

First NameMichael
Last NameCahn
AffiliationLos Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
SubjectAmbitious SB375 targets
To the Air Resource Board, - 

TOday the president has spoken about the environmental disaster in
the golf, and he has reminded us that the area of dirty carbon
energy has to come to an end. Now is the time, not any other time:
NOW the president said, and you have the opportunity to have a
significant impact in this respect. By setting ambitious targets
for Greenhouse Gas Reductions California will show leadership in
the path beyond oil and all its attendant risks and environmental
costs. Shrinking funds for transportation projects and the urgent
need to reduce green house gas emissions - now is the time to
create affordable and efficient transportation solutions that
provide alternatives for all members of our communities. By
improving the walking and bicycling environment, with increased
investments and better policies, with education and encouragement,
we can reach those goals in California, where 40% of all car trips
are 2 miles or less in length - this represents a great opportunity
for increasing bicycling and walking. We know this is something
communities in California want and we know that it is good for the
air resources you are tasked to protect. Please let us learn the
lessons from the disaster in the golf, and let us show the world
that we can learn and that we can do the right thing. 

Dr Michael Cahn
Board, Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2010-06-15 21:12:35

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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