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Comment 2 for San Joaquin Valley PM10 Maintenance Plan (sjvpm07) - Non-Reg.

First NameGabrielle
Last NameKirkland
AffiliationCalifornia Grape & Tree Fruit League
SubjectSupport -- San Joaquin Valley PM10 Maintenance Plan
October 23, 2007 

Ms. Mary Nichols
California Air Resources Board 
P.O. Box 2815
Sacramento, CA 95812 

RE:	Board Agenda Item 07-14-4: Public Meeting to Consider the San
Joaquin Valley PM10 Maintenance Plan 

Dear Chairwoman Nichols: 

On behalf of the California Grape & Tree Fruit League, a public
policy agricultural trade association representing the approximate
two billion dollar California table grape and deciduous tree fruit
communities, we are writing to express our support for adoption of
the San Joaquin Valley PM10 Maintenance Plan. We urge the
California Air Resources Board (CARB) to approve the San Joaquin
Valley’s PM10 Maintenance Plan and forward it to the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) as an official amendment to the State
Implementation Plan (SIP). 

The approval of the PM10 Maintenance Plan is critically important
to the San Joaquin Valley because of the investment made by
residents and businesses. Before the Valley could demonstrate
attainment of the 24-Hour PM10 standard many changes were made
from what used to be standard practices. These changes were
initiated through rule adoption by the San Joaquin Valley Air
Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD). Agriculture Improving
Resources (A.I.R.), a coalition of agricultural and governmental
agencies, was formed for the sole purpose of working to educate
farmers and ranchers about air quality issues. This group devoted
hundreds of hours in outreach efforts for such rules as the
SJVAPCD Rule 4550: Conservation Management Practices, Rule 4103:
Open Burning, Rule 4701 and 4701: Internal Combustion Engines, to
name a few.

One of the most impressive changes made in the Valley was the
implementation of Rule 4550, which resulted in PM10 reductions of
more than 34 tons per day. This reduction was achieved with the
adoption of more than 6,400 Conservation Management Practice plans
representing 3.2 million acres of productive agricultural land,
according to the SJVAPCD’s 2006 Report Card. 

We respectfully urge CARB to affirm the staff’s recommendation to
adopt the San Joaquin Valley PM10 Maintenance Plan and forward to
EPA for adoption into the SIP. Thank you for the opportunity to
comment regarding the Board’s consideration of the plan. 


Gabrielle Kirkland 
Director, Environmental and Regulatory Affairs

C:	Members of California Air Resources Board 
	Seyed Sadredin, SJVAPCD 

Original File NamePM10 Maintenance Plan.10.23.07.pdf
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-10-23 15:43:50

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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