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Comment 2 for Verification Warranty In-Use Compliance (verdev2008) - 15-1.

First NameLouise
Last NamePalmer
AffiliationBusiness Owner
SubjectProposed Section 2025 Rules/Grants & Incentives
I wanted to point out that the proposed Section 2025 hurst small
business owners such as myself who are engaged in the business of
transporting produce out-of-state.  This rule will put the little
guys out of business.  The little guys are needed to ensure the
efficient and economical transport of products to and from
California.  ALSO in consideration of any grants and incentives,
all guidleines I have seen only apply to those who travel 75% or
more in CA.  Grants and incentives should be offered to all
terminal that operate from CA as we are all required to comply
witht he rules and regulations.  The guidelines do not make any
sens because what about a CA diesel truck that operates only 1000
miles within CA, but that 1000 miles constitutes 100% of his
operations, as opposed to one such as myself who operates 30,000
miles in CA, but that 30,000 miles only constitues 40% of miles
traveled?  Do you realize that Greenhouse Gases do not recognize
borders?  Grants and incentives should be opened up to ALL small
business owners who register in CA.  Period!

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-09-24 10:00:06

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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