At-Berth Regulation Advisories and Forms
2020 Regulation
New compliance requirements for the At Berth Regulation are in effect beginning on January 1, 2023. Staff released visit reporting templates for vessels, terminals and CARB approved emission control strategy (CAECS) operators to assist with the new reporting requirements.
2017 Advisory
The 2017 Advisory informs affected fleets and terminal operators as to how CARB will proceed with enforcement of the 2007 At-Berth Regulation (17 CCR section 93118.3) beginning January 1, 2017. As specified in the Advisory, CARB offers six possible scenarios, which may apply on a case-by-case basis, with the objective of providing flexibility to fleets that have equipped their vessels to use shore power or contracted to use an alternative control technology to comply with the 2007 At-Berth Regulation.
Topic | Document |
2017 Advisory | 2017 Advisory |
Visit Information
The visit information spreadsheet, advisory visit information spreadsheet, emergency event form, and delayed visit form can all be used to assist fleets with their recordkeeping requirements. The spreadsheet can also be used as the input to the optional compliance tool.
Compliance Tools
Reduced Onboard Power Generation (ROPG) Option
Standardized forms are not available for the submittal of the Annual Statement of Compliance. When submitting the annual statement under the ROPG Option, fleets need to ensure that they include all the information specified in Section 93118.3(g)(1)(A)(2) on page 28 of the At-Berth Regulation. Alternatively, fleets can use the optional compliance tool to generate the compliance statements based on their visit information.
Staff developed the optional compliance tool to assist fleets in complying with the reporting requirements for the ROPG Option. Contact Jonathan Foster at (916) 327-1512 or at with any questions.
The following sample calculations details three simplified scenarios to demonstrate how compliance is calculated.
Topic | Document |
Compliance Tools | Compliance Database Tool (available upon request, contact Jonathan Foster at (916) 327-1512 or at |
Instructions for Importing Data, Printing Compliance Statements, and Exporting data with the Compliance Database Tool | |
Instructions for Checking and Correcting Errors with the Compliance Database Tool | |
Sample Calculations |
Equivalent Emissions Reduction (EER) Option
Standardized forms are not available for the submittal of the Annual Statement of Compliance. When submitting the annual statement under the EER Option, fleets need to ensure that they include all the information specified in Section 93118.3(g)(2)(A)(3) on page 32-33 of the At-Berth Regulation.
Submittal and Contact Information
Forms may be submitted either by hard copy or electronically.
Submit a copy by mail to:
California Air Resources Board
Transportation and Toxics Division
Freight Activity Branch,
Marine Strategies Section
P.O Box 2815
Sacramento, CA 95812
Submit an electronic copy to