CEFS Emissions by Summary Category

Forecasted Emissions by Summary Category
CCOS Domain Planning Projections - Version 1.0 RF#861PEI

Date of Last Update: August 30, 2011

Note--special forecast runs may not have data for all years or all areas of the state!

Select Special Forecast:

Select Season: (see note 1 below)

Select Pollutant:

Show emissions which have been (see note 2 below)

Display emissions for one or more of the following years:

  1990     1993     1995     1997    
  1999     2000     2001     2002    
  2003     2004     2005     2006    
  2007     2008     2009     2010    
  2015     2020    

Select Source Type:

Select geographic area for report:


Non-attainment area -- Select Area:

District -- Select District:

Air Basin -- Select Air Basin:

County -- Select County: Split by Air Basin


  1. For stationary sources, summer and winter seasonal emissions are only available for years 1990 and later due to lack of temporal data for earlier years.
  2. "Grown only" and "controlled only" options are available for stationary and area sources for all future years. For historical years (i.e. pre-base year), only area sources are available.