State of California

Summary of Board Meeting
June 26, 1997

Air Resources Board
Board Hearing Room, Lower Level
2020 "L" Street
Sacramento, California

MEMBERS PRESENT: Hons. John D. Dunlap, III, Chairman
Joseph C. Calhoun, P.E.
William F. Friedman, M.D.
M. Patricia Hilligoss
Jack C. Parnell
Barbara Patrick
Barbara Riordan
Sally Rakow
James W. Silva


97-5-1 Public Meeting to Consider the Approval of the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District's 1997 PM10 Attainment Demonstration Plan as a Revision to the State Implementation Plan


On May 15, 1997, the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (District) adopted its 1997 PM10 Attainment Demonstration Plan (Plan). The federal Clean Air Act requires each serious PM10 nonattainment area to demonstrate that its control strategy will result in attainment of the 24-hour and annual average PM10 standards by December 2001. This demonstration was due to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) in February 1997.

The Plan demonstrates that the Valley's PM10 episodes are caused by directly emitted particles, by gaseous pollutants that react in the atmosphere to create secondary particles, and by smoke from wildfires, prescribed or agricultural burns, and fireplaces. The Plan identifies a control strategy that addresses both primary pollutants from stationary and area sources and precursor gasses.

The Plan indicates that the District's control strategy will result in attainment of the annual average PM10 standard throughout the San Joaquin Valley by 2001. However, the strategy will result in attainment of the 24-hour average standard at only three of the six sites where this standard is violated. As a result, the District requests a one-time, five-year, attainment date extension allowed by the Act. The Plan also commits to a series of research studies that is expected to lead to the identification and implementation of controls needed for attainment by 2006. These studies, some of which are already underway, focus largely on assessing the role of agricultural operations and identifying operational changes the agricultural community can make, if necessary, to reduce PM10 emissions.

The Air Resources Board (ARB) staff analysis concluded that the Plan meets many but not all of the Clean Air Act's requirements for PM10 attainment demonstration plans. The Plan commits to attainment of the 24-hour standard throughout the Valley by 2006, but does not identify the specific controls needed to reach that goal in the areas of Corcoran, Hanford, and Oildale. For these areas the Plan relies on current and planned research. ARB staff concurred that additional work is needed to clearly identify the sources of ambient PM10 and to develop cost-effective controls.

Staff determined that the Plan will strengthen the SIP even though it does not meet all Clean Air Act requirements. The Plan contains many commitments that are not currently part of the SIP, including a commitment to implement innovative incentive programs to encourage the retrofit or replacement of older on- and off-road diesel engines, and a commitment to work with the agricultural community on the development and implementation of voluntary fugitive dust controls.

The Board approved the San Joaquin Valley's PM10 Attainment Demonstration Plan, and the request for an extension of the attainment date, as revisions to the State Implementation Plan.

Because of the Plan's heavy reliance on commitments and planned research, the Board Resolution requests a District review of the progress made towards fulfilling those commitments by July 1, 2001. The Board requested that this review include an assessment of overall progress in implementing the Plan, a reassessment of the attainment demonstration projections, and the adoption of any revisions that may be needed to ensure attainment by 2006.


David Crow, APCO, San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District
Steven Arita, Western States Petroleum Association


Approved Resolution 97-28 by a unanimous vote.


STAFF REPORT: Yes (27 pages)

97-5-2 Public Meeting to Consider the Status of Manufacturers' Efforts to Develop Aerosol Antiperspirants and Deodorants to Meet the January 1, 1999, Standards in the Antiperspirant and Deodorant Regulation


This item was an informational item and a verbal report on the ARB staff's efforts to evaluate manufacturers' progress towards achieving the upcoming January 1, 1999, aerosol antiperspirant and deodorant standards.

The antiperspirant and deodorant regulation was approved by the Board on November 8, 1989. This regulation was the first consumer products regulation adopted by the Board and has been amended three times in 1990, 1992, and 1995. It was approved as a component of the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone by the U. S. EPA on February 14, 1995. This regulation commits ARB to an overall 80 percent reduction in antiperspirant and deodorant volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions by the year 2000.

The antiperspirant and deodorant regulation establishes VOC standards for both the aerosol and non-aerosol product forms. Since the standards went into effect in December 1992, VOC emissions have been reduced by 4 tons per day. The focus of this report was on the upcoming standards for the aerosol products, requiring an additional VOC emission reduction of 2 tons per day.

ARB staff held a public workshop and numerous meetings with the affected industry over the last two years. In addition, a survey of the industry was conducted to learn more about the VOC emissions from these products. Compliance plans were also reviewed to see the progress and research completed by industry in meeting the standards.

The staff reported that industry is making progress towards meeting the standards and achieving the required emission reductions. The staff will continue to work together with industry in the upcoming months to evaluate approaches to provide more flexibility, while preserving the emission reductions committed to in the SIP. The Board will be kept informed of these efforts, and if a revision to the regulation is fruitful, the staff will return to the Board early in 1998, with a proposal.





97-5-3 Public Meeting to Consider a Status Report on the Perchloroethylene Needs Assessment for Automotive Consumer Products


The ARB staff updated the Board on the status of the Perchloroethylene (Perc) Needs Assessment for Automotive Consumer Products. This assessment was a result of a Board action in November 1996, in which Perc was exempted as a volatile organic compound (VOC) in the Consumer Products Regulation and the Aerosol Coatings Regulation. At that time, the Board had concerns about the use and potential risk posed by Perc-containing consumer products; therefore, the Board directed staff to conduct an assessment on the need to control Perc use in consumer products. For the assessment, the ARB staff focused on brake cleaning products because they are the product category most likely to contain Perc.

From a survey of manufacturers, the ARB staff estimated that in California almost 3.9 million pounds of Perc is used in brake cleaning consumer products. The ARB staff also conducted 37 site visits to brake service facilities. Risk assessment analyses, using information collected from the site visits, indicated that some facilities may pose a potential risk to the public.

The Board accepted the staff's recommendation to continue its assessment of Perc-containing brake cleaning products. As part of the assessment, the staff will: 1) investigate the cost and feasibility of alternatives; 2) assess the potential for increased Perc use from product reformulation; 3) conduct a survey of brake cleaning facilities; and 4) determine the most appropriate control options. The ARB staff expects to complete its investigation by Spring of 1998, and will have sufficient information to determine if a statewide airborne toxic control measure is warranted for brake cleaning products. The ARB staff will report back to the Board with its findings and recommendations at that time.




STAFF REPORT: Yes (78 pages)

97-5-4 Public Meeting to Consider Proposals for the Air Resources Board's Innovative Clean Air Technologies Program


Four Innovative Clean Air Technologies (ICAT) proposals were presented to the Board for approval. These proposals address important program needs at ARB, are technically feasible, and have the potential to improve air quality. They also have market potential, could be commercialized within a few years, and could create jobs in California. ICAT applicants and their partners are required to provide matching funds of at least 50 percent of the total project cost. Proposals were considered by ARB staff and an advisory committee, which consisted of external reviewers from the private sector and universities.

After staff described the progress of ongoing ICAT contracts from the first two years of the program, two current ICAT contractors discussed their projects. Mr. William Johnson gave a brief overview of BKM's project, "Clean Air Two-Stroke for Utility Engine Application", and Mr. Edwin Stankiewicz of Ultramet gave a brief overview about his company's project, "High-Efficiency Catalytic Converter Prototype Demonstration".

The following projects were presented to the Board:

"Hybrid-Electric Prototype Truck Project" submitted by ISE Research, Inc. for $350,000. This project will demonstrate a heavy-duty truck using a hybrid-electric drive system. A relatively small engine will provide energy under steady load, minimizing emissions. Excess energy will be stored in batteries, supplementing the truck's power when needed.

"Low-Emission Gas Turbine Combustor Field Demonstration" submitted by Catalytica Combustion Systems, Inc. for $325,000. Gas turbine electric generators are a significant source of NOx emissions in California. This project will retrofit such a turbine with a new kind of catalytic combustion process that can reduce NOx emissions to levels lower than currently marketed methods, and provide for a full field test.

"Radial and Thrust Gas Bearing for Fuel Cell Turbocharger" submitted by Meruit, Inc. for $136,000. Air-breathing fuel cells promise clean electric power, but the high cost of fuel cell air compression has slowed their development. This project will demonstrate an air bearing for a fuel cell turbocharger to provide efficient fuel cell air that should greatly reduce air compression costs.

"Application Demonstration of Dual Stage Biofilter for Publicly Owned Treatment Works" submitted by the Reynolds Group for $142,500. Biofilters can degrade emissions from sewage plants, but emission byproducts can kill the bacteria in the biofilter. This project will fund construction of a pre-filter at a sewage plant and assess its effectiveness at lengthening the useful life of a more conventional biofilter.



Approved Resolutions 97-29, 97-30, 97-31, 97-32 by a unanimous vote.



97-5-5 Consideration of Research Proposal

The Board approved Resolution 97-33 by a unanimous vote.