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Climate Coordination Calendar - Admin Event | IA

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Displaying 256-270 of 778 results.
Live ? Event TypeAgencyTitleEvent Start DateEvent End DateLocationActions
YesClimate Investments Program ImplementationCARBClean Transportation Equity Projects Workgroup04-23-2019 10:00 AM04-23-2019 12:00 PM

Cal/EPA Headquarters Building, Conference Room 510, 1001 I Street

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YesOutreachCCI Outreach ContractorState of the Environment Conference04-20-2018 08:30 AM04-20-2018 04:30 PM

CSU, Long Beach

Building- Walter Pyramid
1250 North Bellflower Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90840

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YesLow Carbon Transportation [ARB]CARBPublic Work Group Teleconference for Fiscal Year 2018-19 Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) and Low NOx Engine Incentives06-11-2018 10:00 AM06-11-2018 12:00 PM

Cal/EPA Headquarters Building

Training Room 5

1001 I Street

 Sacramento, California  95814

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YesLow Carbon Transportation [ARB]CARBDeadline for Grant Solicitation for the Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects10-26-2023 05:00 PM10-26-2023 05:00 PM

Applications must be submitted via email to no later than 5:00 p.m. (PDT), Friday, October 27, 2023.

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YesLow Carbon Transportation [ARB]CARBClean Vehicle Assistance Program Press Briefing09-07-2018 10:30 AM09-07-2018 12:00 PM

Beneficial State Bank 1438 Webster St, Suite 300, Oakland CA 94612

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YesLow Carbon Transportation [ARB]CARBPublic Work Group for Clean Vehicle Purchase Incentives for Lower Income Consumers03-18-2020 01:30 PM03-18-2020 03:30 PM

CalEPA Headquarters Building, Conference Room 410
1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814

PASSCODE:  3770214

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YesClimate Change Research Program [SGC]SGCClimate Change Research Program - Listening Session [San Luis Obispo]05-07-2019 01:30 PM05-07-2019 03:00 PM

Dairy Innovation Institute, Bldg.18A, Room #123


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YesOutreachCCI Outreach ContractorSalinas Valley Ag Tech Summit Sponsorship03-28-2018 07:30 AM03-28-2018 03:30 PM

Hartnell College – Main Campus

411 Central Ave, Salinas, CA 93901

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YesFARMER [CARB]CARBPublic Workshop to Discuss Proposed Updates to the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines and FARMER Program Guidelines08-28-2024 02:00 PM08-28-2024 04:00 PM

In-Person and Zoom Webinar

California Air Resources Board
Coastal Hearing Room
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814

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YesLow Carbon Transportation [ARB]CARBPublic Meeting to Consider Approval of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives Accompanied by Proposed Carl Moyer Program Changes11-17-2022 09:00 AM10-03-2022 01:29 PM

In-Person Location:
California Environmental Protection Agency
California Air Resources Board | Byron Sher Auditorium
1001 I Street Sacramento, California 95814

Remote Option:
Zoom (TBD)

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YesClimate Change Research Program [SGC]SGCClimate Change Research Program - Listening Session [San Diego]05-10-2019 02:00 PM05-10-2019 03:30 PM

Lipinski Hospitality Center

Student Services West Building, Room #1608


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YesClimate Change Research Program [SGC]SGCClimate Change Research Program - Listening Session [Los Angeles]05-08-2019 01:30 PM05-08-2019 03:00 PM

Public Affairs Building, Room #5391 


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YesClimate Change Research Program [SGC]SGCClimate Change Research Program - Listening Session [Merced]05-03-2019 01:30 PM05-03-2019 03:00 PM

Student Activities & Athletic Center, Room #207


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YesClean Transportation Program [CEC]CECWorkshop for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Solicitation Concepts07-16-2024 09:00 AM07-16-2024 12:00 PM

Zoom Webinar or Telephone [Toll-free at (888) 475-4499 or toll at (669) 219-2599. When prompted, enter the Webinar ID 876 5498 1514 and passcode 008408]

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YesOutreachCARBPre-Solicitation Workshop for Equitable Building Decarbonization Direct Install Program03-14-2024 10:00 AM03-14-2024 11:00 AM

  • Join meeting via Zoom or login in at Zoom and enter the Webinar ID 816 4287 7081 and passcode 360011 and follow all prompts.
  • To join by telephone. Call toll-free at (888) 475-4499 or toll at (669) 219-2599. When prompted, enter the Webinar ID 816 4287 7081 and passcode 360011.

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