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Comment 1 for Draft Final Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Fourth Investment Plan (draftfinalcciplan) - Non-Reg.

First NameKieran
Last NameMitchell
SubjectInvesting in carbon negative technology
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Cap-and-Trade
Auction Proceeds.

The report prepared for the State of California "Getting to
Neutral- Options for negative carbon emissions in California" which
was prepared by LBNL, in January 2020. The recommendation was to
convert forestry waste, agricultural waste and even municipal waste
into sequestered carbon and fuel, hydrogen. 

We agree with the premise of this report that we should convert
forestry waste, agricultural waste and Municipal waste to sequester
carbon however in a different configuration.

Please consider supporting new technology, such as distributed
small scale, clean emission gasifiers that can generate biofuels,
such as bio-gasoline and biochar(sequestered carbon). This process
generates high temperature Biochar, which sequesters carbon for
thousands of years and biofuels that displace fossil fuels in
vehicles on the road today using todays infrastructure. 

There are many other co-benefits such as the follows. Forestry fire
risk can be reduced by making if profitable to convert forestry
undergrowth to a biofuel. Agricultural emissions can be reduced by
making it profitable for farmers to convert their agricultural
waste to a product of value, such as biofuels and biochar. Mobile
and semi mobile gasifiers can be mass manufactured quickly, and can
be deployed in large numbers across the state, quickly. The
bio-fuel can use the same distribution channels as fossil fuels,
speeding implementation. Our existing fuel infrastructure can be
used. Mass deployment of these systems can create a lot of good
paying jobs in the more disadvantaged areas of California. A quick
roll out of these innovative technologies can allows them to be
deployed in mass across the country and the world. 

In summary, please promote innovative, quickly deployed
technologies that can immediately make an impact on climate change
and can be profitable to deploy.


Kieran Mitchell    

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-27 15:21:09

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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