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Comment 1 for Open Comment for the September 28, 2023, Board Meeting (sept282023opencomm) - Non-Reg.

First NameTERI
Last NameSHORE
SubjectOpen Session - September 28, 2023 - Re Climate Emissions and Sprawl at SDC
Dear Chair Randolph and ARB Commissioners,

As ARB is a leader in the climate fight, it seemed appropriate to
alert the Commission to state DGS (Department of General Services)
recent plans for the disposition and development of state property
at the now closed Sonoma Developmental Center consisting of
large-scale sprawl on rural lands in a greenbelt that has no public
services or transit and is outside of urban boundaries in a
wildfire danger area that will generate "significant and
unavoidable" climate emissions.

The state development plan conflicts directly with ARB's and
associated state policies to reduce driving, focus on city-centered
growth, reduce climate emissions and preserve open space.

While I realize that ARB does not comment on specific projects or
land use, the fact that the state is responsible for moving a
sprawl plan forward under housing streamlining laws that will
undermine ARB's work would be of interest to the commissioners.

I have requested a meeting with the chair to discuss further at a
future date. Please see attached letter which spells out the
community's concerns.

Thank you for your consideration.

Original File NameSDCSCommunityLtrStateRepsFinal9.21.23.pdf
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2023-09-28 10:38:16

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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