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Comment 93 for Proposed Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) Regulation (act2019) - 45 Day.

First NameJack
Last NameLucero Fleck
SubjectComments urging stronger advanced clean trucks goal
In order to comply with the United Nations IPCC findings,
California must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030. In
the case of cars, if California achieves a 50 mpg average along
with five million electric vehicles, the state should meet this

However, in the case of trucks, there is no such dramatic
improvement in mpg envisioned. This means that most of the
emissions reductions will have to come from electrification. If an
electric truck emits 20% of the equivalent emissions of a diesel
truck, then 25% of all trucks will need to be electric by 2030.

I.e. if an average trucks gets 5 miles per gallon and an electric
truck gets the equivalent of 25 mpg, and there are 5 million trucks
in California, then to achieve an average of 10 mpg requires 1.25
million trucks to be electric (1.25 million trucks x 25 mpg + 3.75
million trucks x 5 mpg) / 5 million trucks = 10 mpg.

In other words for California to do its part to meet the IPCC
requirement to have a 2/3 chance of avoiding a catastrophic 1.5 C
increase in global temperatures, California will need to ensure
that 25% of its trucks are electric by 2030.

I urge you to adopt rules that push for this to happen.

Jack Lucero Fleck
350 Bay Area

PS I strongly support the comments submitted by Earth Justice,
Union of Concerned Scientists, Sierra Club and others on October
15, 2019. The comments above are intended to bolster the case for
stronger clean truck regulations.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-12-09 13:53:43

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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