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Comment 1082 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameChuck
Last NameBuscemi
SubjectPlease save the fishing industry!!!
They keep getting hammered and will be out of business if you enact
these changes. Fishing on the commercial boats is a source of great
enjoyment by those of us who cannot afford to buy or rent our own
boat. Their business got hit hard by covid, and is still feeling
the effects. Recently they were hit by the oil spill. And with the
tighter regulations on the fish that can be caught, they are
getting less and less fisherman. Please give these companies and
their customers a break by grandfathering any changes that you make
so that they can continue on for the benefit of all. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-12 12:51:58

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