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Comment 115 for Consider Endorsement of an Updated California Tropical Forest Standard (tfs2019) - Non-Reg.

First NameHeather
Last NameShelby
SubjectSupport for endorsement of TFS
To whom it may concern: 

Attached, please find the signatures of 25,589 Environmental
Defense Fund supporters (5,787 of which who are from California)
who have submitted an electronic comment in support of the Tropical
Forest Standard. The comment they each submitted reads: 

"I strongly support California using the state's global influence
to protect tropical forests through endorsement of the Tropical
Forest Standard. 

"Cutting and burning tropical forests like the Amazon threatens
their unique animals, plants and millions of people who depend on
them to survive. Deforestation also contributes more greenhouse gas
emissions than all the cars, trucks, and ships in the world every
single year - stopping it is a critical step to avoiding dangerous
global warming and meeting the goals of the Paris climate

"California's proposed Standard for rainforest credits would create
incentives to protect tropical forests -- whole forest landscapes,
across entire states or nations. It would also require that
programs producing rainforest credits consult and collaborate with
indigenous and other traditional communities who use and safeguard
forests. And that their communities are partners who benefit from
these programs. The money generated from the sale of the credits
directly benefits the programs that are protecting forests,
reducing emissions and creating sustainable indigenous livelihoods
that are in harmony with and strengthen their cultural traditions.

"The world must address the loss of tropical forests to stop
climate change. Now is the time for California to directly promote
the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the cutting and
burning of tropical forests.  We can't save the climate without
tropical forests. The California Air Resources Board should endorse
the California Tropical Forest Standard."

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or
concerns about this submission. 

Thank you,

Heather Shelby
Manager, Grassroots Organizing & Activism
Environmental Defense Fund

Original File NameCaliforniaTFS_Signatures_082919.pdf
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-08-29 15:02:43

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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