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Comment 11 for Amendments to On-Road Motorcycle Emission Standards and Test Procedures (onmc24) - 45 Day.

First NameCurt
Last NameMcDowell
SubjectMotorcycle emissions
I have an EV car and PV panels, and an EV motorcycle too, because I
care about not using oil as far as practical, and also because of
the performance advantages. I think the enormous CARB empire needs
to be shrunk down to 10% at least. Banning gas powered generators
is a stupid and dangerous idea, as is banning natural gas, as we
need redundant energy sources if we're not to freeze and starve by
thousands and millions, particularly those not living in cities, to
be prepared for extended electrical outages. Doing no nuclear
research for decades was unconscionable, and we're screwed for
that. Solar and wind aren't an answer -- we can't rely on them,
can't store the energy, and can't use it all when oversaturated (if
we are to believe PG&E who uses this as an excuse to pay $0.02,
half wholesale for electricity they sell for $0.48). Lugging tons
of batteries around town is a supremely stupid idea, while plugin
hybrids should be the goal. The new Prius Prime goes 50 miles on a
charge with a battery 20% the size of a BEV, and for most people
never needs gas, but it can also go 500 miles on gas when
necessary. The divide between rich and poor is being dramatically
exacerbated by these single-issue-driven policies. Moreover, global
warming is a pretty dumb thing to worry about when AI is on the
verge of dramatically changing our existence and by 2100 "humans"
won't be anything like we are now. Messing with motorcyclists is
another stupid and useless idea in the scheme of things, as it will
severely impact one minor group of folks to no measurable effect
whatsoever. Electric motorcycles have very low range and it has
barely improved since I got mine 7 years ago, since batteries are
subject to physical and chemical limitations. Batteries remind me
of when governments mandated compact fluorescent bulbs, which
severely underperform and contain poisonous compounds. The market
should determine where we go, not legislation that sounds good on
the surface.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2023-12-09 13:21:13

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