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Comment 12 for Amendments to On-Road Motorcycle Emission Standards and Test Procedures (onmc24) - 45 Day.

First NameDavid
Last NameAmbrose
SubjectMotorcycles are already the solution
As an aerospace engineer I can assure you there is so much flawed
data in the proposal it would take me months to respond to it all.
My 5 gas powered motorcycles achieve 45-50 mpg and most motorcycles
are ridden as a hobby during good weather. Their emissions are
lower than the emission required to make the batteries in
all-electric motorcycles. Li ion batteries, hydrogen, and SAF are
many decades from being created "green", if ever. Stop the lies and
deception, pass a law that requires an analysis of all the embedded
energy and its method (and source) of production. This legislation
out-sources work to China, the most prolific violator of the
environment. This legislation adds stress to an energy grid in CA
that can't tolerate it. This proposal forces me to use a product I
don't want to use, this is tyranny. This proposal forces me to
accept a lower quality of life. This proposal adds to the already
excessive burden of living in CA - high property taxes, high elect
bill, high gas bill, high water bill, high crime, high state taxes,
excessive regulation everywhere, high insurance rates... The
proposal must me considered with the many other CA policies that
deter from a good quality of life. Everyone single person I know in
CA is leaving or has a plan to leave. I have a plan to leave and
this proposal just accelerated my plan. I intend to move to a free
state (Texas, Florida, S. Dakota...) and take my large salary with
me. This policy will have no impact on the environment and only
detract from an already poor quality of life. You are eliminating
the middle class in CA, you'll be left with Silicon Valley,
Hollywood, and a whole lot of Mexicans. CA has been on a path of
self destruction and it's honestly probably better to accelerate
that destruction, then maybe others can come in and fix it. Going
electric is the same as the CFL lightbulb trap, but there's nobody
honest in government to admit that.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2023-12-12 09:49:10

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