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Comment 71 for To Consider Proposed Control Measure for Ocean-Going Vessels At Berth (ogvatberth2019) - 15-1.

First NameIgor
Last NameTregub
AffiliationSierra Club
SubjectSUPPORT for Measure
I support this proposal because:

Regulation reduces harmful pollutants such as diesel particles in
refinery and other vulnerable communities;
Health benefits are twice higher than the costs to ship owners,
Ports and refineries;
Emission Control costs add less than a penny to the cost of fuel at
the pump;
Bay Area oil terminals should be required to comply by 2025, on the
same schedule as terminals located in Southern California;
Money from penalties or alternative compliance actions should be
spent in consultation with local communities on local emission
reduction actions.

Thank you for your consideration!


Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2020-05-01 16:04:12

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