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Comment for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - .

First NameAnne
Last NameInfeld
SubjectPlease reform the Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Dear California Air Resources Board,

Your proposed amendments to California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard
backslide on the state's role as a climate leader. The program
subsidizes combustion fuels with billions of dollars per year and
has no place in our toolkit of climate policies for the 2020s. 

Governor Newsom's budget proposes significant delays and cuts of
hundreds of millions of dollars to vital zero-emission
transportation programs, which makes it all the more urgent to use
the Low Carbon Fuel Standard to more fully support zero-emissions
transportation. Historically, California has thrown good money
after bad, and devoted 80% of the LCFS's $3 to 4 billion each and
every year to combustion technology.

The world has changed a lot since the implementation of the LCFS in
2009. Unlike the 2000s, we have a north star goal for our climate
and the air we breathe: zero emissions transportation.  Continuing
to invest the billions in revenue from the LCFS into harmful and
polluting biofuels that end up combusted, instead of electric
vehicles powered by clean energy, hampers our efforts to fight the
climate crisis while enriching oil companies and industrial

I urge you to correct your course and modernize the program by
reflecting your consensus that the only way to meet air quality
standards is through eliminating combustion altogether.  By
focusing on real air pollution solutions, you could add a clean air
multiplier to the credits system, especially for public fleets that
transport many people at once, would deliver major benefits for
California's air quality and throw a lifeline to cash-strapped
transit agencies that low-income Californians depend on for

California cannot meet our clean air and climate goals without
harnessing the power of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard and
overhauling this multibillion-dollar program for our zero emissions
future. Please act to reform the program to achieve our state's
ambitious goals.

Anne Infeld
1578 Alison Ave  Mountain View, CA 94040-3014

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-01-17 11:46:22

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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