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Comment 16 for Consider Endorsement of an Updated California Tropical Forest Standard (tfs2019) - Non-Reg.

First Namejon
Last Namebumstead
Subjectcarbon offset
To whom it matters -

The whole concept of trading pollution is based on keeping business
- mostly big business - moving smoothly, and without interruption. 
I get it.

Much money has been given to politicians for a long time to make
sure that this sort of con game is allowed to continue.  It was a
bad idea from the get-go, and it's a bad idea to extend it.

Business needs to take care of its own shit like the rest of us.  I
ask nobody else to wipe my ass.  It's not way beyond time to
require the same sort of self-care for polluters.  They've been
given a free ride, and it's time to end it. 


Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-08-27 09:06:18

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