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Comment for Low Carbon Fuel Standard (lcfs09) - 45 Day.

First NameMichael
Last NameMauer
AffiliationAnthropology Dept. College of the Canyo
SubjectLow Carbon Fuel Standard.
Dear Michael,

Last week, we asked for your help in letting Governor
Schwarzenegger know that you support the California Air Resources
Board's (CARB) adoption of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. Once
adopted, this groundbreaking standard would reduce greenhouse gas
emissions from transportation fuels – like gasoline and diesel –
used in the state by at least ten percent by 2020. You responded by
sending 260 letters to the governor to show your support for
cleaner fuel options for California. 

With CARB set to vote on the standard next week, the ethanol
industry and other producers of non greenhouse gas friendly fuels
are stepping up their efforts to convince CARB to delay and weaken
the standard. It is vital that CARB hears your support directly to
ensure that the strongest, most effective Low Carbon Fuel Standard
is adopted without delay to fight global warming and air pollution
by reducing petroleum consumption in California.  

Please take action by Noon on Wednesday, April 22, by copying and
pasting the letter below into the comment box on the Air Resources
Board's comments page.  



Dear Chairman Nichols,

Thank you for your leadership in developing California's Low
Carbon Fuel Standard.  In addition to helping California meet our
greenhouse gas reduction goals, the LCFS will help to improve air
quality and public health by reducing our dependence on petroleum

Californians are subject to some of the worst air quality in the
nation and experience serious health impacts as a result pollution
caused by motor vehicles, including cancer, reduced lung
development in children, aggravated asthma, increased
hospitalizations and premature death. 

Reducing petroleum consumption through the LCFS is an important
strategy for fighting global warming and improving our air quality.

I urge you to move forward with the Low Carbon Fuel Standard and
ensure that it provides the greatest benefit to California by:

- promoting the development and rapid deployment of a new
generation of ultra-low carbon fuels, such as hydrogen and

- accounting for the direct and indirect land use changes
associated with the production low-carbon fuels; and

- ensuring ongoing reviews of air quality and other community
health impacts associated with the introduction of new fuels and
fuel production facilities in California. 

Along with the American Lung Association of California, I urge you
to proceed with the adoption of a strong, sustainable Low Carbon
Fuel Standard without delay, to improve air quality for all


Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2009-04-17 14:56:30

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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