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Comment 166 for Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation (acf2022) - 45 Day.

First NameDominick
Last NameLee
AffiliationPacific Coast Container Inc. PCC
SubjectACFR 2022 Comments

Re: Proposed Advanced Clean Fleet Regulations (ACFR 2022)


Dear Members of the California Air Resources Board (CARB),


We are submitting the following comments on your Proposed Advanced Clean Fleet Regulations, as a Motor Carrier, Broker and a Warehouse service provider based in LA/LGB and Oakland, Ca.


We understand the goal of California and the desire to advance the clean air initiatives, especially in and around the maritime facilities in our state.  We are based at both above-mentioned maritime area with facilities and employees that breathe the air every day.   Although, we agree that the Ports need to evolve and meet the goal of reducing emissions to bring about an environmentally cleaner workplace; the burden seems to always fall onto the operators and especially the truck operators currently servicing the maritime industry at these facilities.  The proposed regulation, despite grants and assistance, puts an enormous burden on companies like PCC and the drivers that have worked with us for multiple decades. 


We ask you to reconsider the following:


Termination of 2008-2010 Legacy trucks at the end of 2022.

Although many of the contracted carriers for PCC have upgraded their equipment to qualify for the Legacy provisions of the proposed ACFR; there are many who have been priced out of this upgrade due to the Post Covid supply chain issue that has minimized the available used trucks in the market.  Many have argued that truckers have had ample time to adjust to this regulation and being unable to qualify at the last hour is irresponsible.  Although, all the truckers have been aware of the schedule for truck termination; we can all agree that the past three years have not been “normal” or expected by anyone.  The pandemic has brought forth numerous extenuating circumstances including inflation, reduction of available trucks and inability, especially older truckers, to work a regular schedule due to family and medical concerns. 

We respectfully request that an extension of a reasonable period is granted until the supply chain issues and used compliant truck markets are normalized for these drivers.  Class A truck drivers are in shortage everywhere in the United States and to force these qualified Port drivers to seek employment outside our state is a losing proposition for the maritime industry and the State of California. 


Zero Emission Truck Requirement for Drayage Truck Registry post 12/2023

The proposal to lock out diesel emission trucks regardless of the MYE or MY by the end of the next year is unreasonable and unachievable due to lack of infrastructure, limited performance of ZEVs and the current cost of upgrade. 

After next calendar year, the proposed ACFR would limit any new trucks to the registry to be Electric or Hydrogen thus qualifying as a ZEV under the CARB definition.  The unproven performance and current specification of the ZEVs are unfit for services offered at the Port.  The lack of charging infrastructure, availability of power grid, lack of Hydrogen stations and the gross weight of the vehicles compromise trucking companies’ ability to deliver service to the California consumers.


The Ports in CA and the distribution centers located in our state rarely operates on a 24-hour basis.  This translates to all port related trucks needing a charge at the same period (mainly overnight).  The infrastructure needed for number of ZEVs proposed would take years to build and be made available for the amount trucks that would populate the Ports located in CA.  In the past month, during the heat wave, we were advised to turn power down due to the strain on our power grid.  Are we ready to place thousands of charging stations in a concentrated area?

 Although, Hydrogen has been offered as an option, there are very few hydrogen stations available in our state to make this option viable.  Charging/Fueling options need to be solidified prior to announcing any compliance date with zero emission vehicles. Although the proponents argue they can be built, we have very little confidence that the hydrogen/charging infrastructure can be built by the end of 2023.

The weight of the ZEVs is of great concern to all truck operators.  The average ZEV is 8,000 to 11,000 above the normal diesel rigs in operation today.  The 80,000 GVW or 82,000GVW for ZEVs is grossly inadequate for the payload coming into our ports.  We would have to ask our customers to decrease their cargo weight (pay load) by 6,000 to 9,000 lbs. to accommodate the extra weight of these vehicles.  We are unaware of any legislative or administrative relief to address this issue.  This is a gross inequity to the exporters of CA as they would have to decrease their exports due to the limitation of the trucks proposed by CARB.  Asking customers to send less is a sure way to chase commerce out of CA.

Port Truckers are an asset to our state.  The smaller fleets that have serviced the Maritime industry for decades will be phased out of the industry due to the cost of upgrading to a ZEV fleet.  Port Truckers are a specialized occupation in our industry as they possess the skills to process the administrative burden put forth by international trade, security clearances that are necessary to enter secured areas designated by Homeland Security and the ability to navigate the challenges at the Marine and Rail terminals.  The inability to purchase trucks that are 2 to 4X the current cost of diesel trucks will devastate the driver pool that is already challenged by lack of applicants.

The ACFR proposal to lock out diesel units by end of next year is unrealistic and will cause disruptions beyond imagination.  We respectfully submit that this policy be reviewed and delayed until infrastructure and weight issues are resolved.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-10-14 11:03:15

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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