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Comment 18 for Amendments to On-Road Motorcycle Emission Standards and Test Procedures (onmc24) - 45 Day.

First NameCarlos
Last NameTavares
SubjectProposed Amendments to On-Road Motorcycle Emission Standards and Test Procedures

Zero emission or EV motorcycles are not an a viable solution and
frankly makes no sense. Already a motorcycle's range can be a
challenge for trips where gas stations are not available for long

As a current owner of an EV and having made long trips (NorCal to
SoCal), it's already a challenge to make the drive given EV limited
range, lack of density / availability of charging infrastructure,
unreliable charging infrastructure, quantity high speed charging
stations available. We're talking a vehicle that has a 131 kilowatt
battery. A motorcycle's battery would be a teeny fraction of that
thus the range would also be a fraction of what a gas motorcycle
can achieve today. Which again can be a challenge already.

There is room for EV motorcycles and we have some already in the
market today. For those who are using them in city riding that is
short distance and doesn't require normal to long range, this is a
suitable alternative. It's a niche application though and not one
that can be relied upon to replace gas motorcycles.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-01-08 18:17:52

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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