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Comment 2 for Informational update on CARB’s Academic Memorandums with educational institutions (2022mourenewals) - Non-Reg.

First NameCarol
Last NameKravetz
Affiliation Citizens Climate Lobby, Climate Reality
SubjectMore bold action required

The current plan for reducing emissions by 2045 is not bold enough nor adequate to meet the goals of Paris 2015 and scientists say we only have 8 years left to save lives.

We MUST achieve lower emissions by 2030, latest 2035 in order to save CA from the worst extinction. Plus we must lead by sample for the rest of the country. There are ways to do this, which will mitigate fossil fuel emissions,

Here's step one. Put solar panels on the water canals. That'll save water evaporation, less maintenance, and provide clean energy. Triple impact and money saving.

Europe is stepping up production to transition to clean energy NOW due to the war. We MUST do it to save humanity.

CARB MUST take bolder action. Step out of your square boxes and get to work on making it happen sooner than 2045. UNACCEPTABLE!!

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-05-20 08:30:09

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