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Comment 19 for Amendments to On-Road Motorcycle Emission Standards and Test Procedures (onmc24) - 45 Day.

First NameMichael
Last NameMcClintic
SubjectMandate for EV motorcycles is not feasible

My response to goverment mandated electric vehicle usage and ICE
sales restrictions:
1. An economic solution not a legal solution should be explored.
Once the economics and convience of electric vehicles becomes a
reality people will naturally switch over from ICE vehicles.
2. Motorcycles are unique in that their range is limited because
the batteries don't yet have the power density. Even ICE
motorcycles usually require re-fueling every 100-150 miles.
Gasoline is also a relatively easy and power-dense source of energy
and if necessary can be transported in containers or easily shared
among several motorcycles.
3. Motorcycling often involves touring the backroads where you are
lucky to even find a gas station, let alone a charging station.
Imagine a group of 5 or more motor-cyclists touring the back
country and all need a re-fueling. Even if luck enough to find an
EV charger, getting all the motorcycles re-charged in a timely
fashion is not realistic.

Making financially available, promoting more R&D on battery
technology, and encouraging usage of electric powered motorcycles
for urban and commuting use cases makes sense.

Banning ICE motorycycles and "hoping" the technology and
infrastructure catch-up is not good goverment.

Link on lack of Electric Power infrastructure preparedness:,electrification%20of%20buildings%20and%20vehicles

Please give this more consideration and approach this important
topic from a financial incentive approch vs. a regulatory legal

Thanks for your consideration
...Michael McClintic

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-01-11 11:16:04

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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