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Comment for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameJanet
Last NameDe Lu
SubjectPlease strengthen the Draft 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan

We are running out of time on climate change. Our climate change plan therefore needs to be much stronger if we are to afford a decent future for our grandchildren.  I urge you to strengthen and improve the Draft 2022 Scoping Plan update. This decade represents our last chance to make meaningful changes in transportation, energy, building, and other major infrastructure. The current Draft Scoping Plan compromises these changes to the level where California will not do enough to prevent an irreversible climate catastrophe. As a grandmother, I strongly urge you to do more. We NEED to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

Please, for the sake of our children and grandchildren, accelerate the phase-out of oil and gas extraction and oil refining. Put an end to any additional investment in fossil fuel infrastructure, redirect money that is targeted at prolonging current fossile fuel sources into improvements in transportation and building infrastructure that reduce, or better still, eliminate the need for such fuels. We need a stronger, more ambitious scoping plan if we are to ensure any kind of reasonable future for the next generations. Thank you for your consideration.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-22 13:08:18

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