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Comment 28 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameCannon
Last NameHanson
SubjectRevise the plan and build from the bottoms up

In an age when it's cheaper to produce wind and solar I wonder why every major business is not covered with solar panels. Why every household isn't given solar and allowed to be independent from the grid. It's obvious our government is owned by oil oligarchs and the people who control our energy always has and always will be. Every cent put into fossil fuels here on out is the government choosing money over its people simple as that. I feel for the people in Ecuador having their land stolen for our corporate greed and we the people are tired of it. Gas prices are already soaring in California and sure this move could bring them down but wouldn't investing in public transport and rail systems to ship freight from our ports out of the state at a much lower fuel cost be more effective. Or making our cities pedestrian friendly and encouraging people to walk/bike/or use public transport. Or maybe just holding those greedy oil people accountable and putting a cap on gas prices. They have 16,000 acres in the us ready to start developing and drilling yet they choose other countries with loose regulations so they can take advantage of them. Invest in the people give them subsidies to choose greener vehicles and transport were the ones filling your government funds they're the ones filling the politicians pockets. NO MORE OIL EVER.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-23 10:02:21

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