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Comment 24 for OHRV Red Sticker Regulation (ohrv2019) - 45 Day.

First NameGregg
Last NameDe Haan
AffiliationAMA D36 member
SubjectCARB vote April 22nd for Red Sticker Vehicles
I have raced motorcycles for more years than I can count. My son
currently 14 has raced since he was 5 years old. The sport has
taken us across country numerous times. We have meet the best
industry leaders and families on the planet. The motorcycle
community is a family and I speak as a voice for all. 

Closed course racing is very limited. Very few vehicles a day race
and the goal is to be competitive and fast. Overly regulated
vehicles with restrictions on intake and exhaust not only slow the
vehicles down they make them less fuel efficient. If less filial is
burned less hydrocarbons are emitted into the atmosphere. Most of
these vehicles are run on race fuel that is even cleaner burning
and more efficient. 

Further regulation retards the advance to of the sport and the
athletes. These children train year round and compete in all sports
to train for motocross. 

We raise our children to be health conscious, environmentally aware
and respectful and teach them to get educated. We are not
unregulated third rate citizens and deserve the respect we deserve
to foster our multigenerational sport. 

With fuel injection, higher compression engines the engines burn
clean and efficient. On one weekend we burn roughly 2.2 gallons of
gas total for all racing and practices. 

Gregg, Mindy, Buddy, Brooke, Jack and Alice de Haan

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-04-17 15:28:43

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