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Comment 2345 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameMarty
Last NameLeitzman
AffiliationSouthwest V-Ditch, Inc.
SubjectSportfishing Boating regulations
I support the sportfishing and whale watching industry and would
like to continue to be able to use company charters.  Regulations
requiring expensive upgrades make it difficult for smaller
companies and only help the larger corporations put the smaller
ones out of business and raise pricing.  I would prefer that once
the technology is more cost friendly, then the regulations be put
into place.  I work in the construction industry and CARB
requirements have put companies out of business and caused much
difficulty for others and us.  These regulations were put in too
early for the engines available and even today there are still
problems with the new engines that we did not have prior to the new
regulations.  This has been a very expensive and time consuming
process that appears will be an ongoing issue in the construction
industry.  It would be unfortunate if the sportfishing and whale
watching industry has to go through the same process as this will
affect many peoples leisure and hobby activities also - not just
work.  Please consider delaying the implementation of requirements
until better and more cost effective engine technology is
Thank you. Marty Leitzman (760) 662-9993

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-05 07:38:47

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