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Comment 29 for Proposed Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) Regulation (act2019) - 45 Day.

First NameCarol
Last NameMoran
SubjectAdvanced Clean Trucks rule
CARB is unelected and accountable to no one - and the rules coming
from CARB are harmful.  This is the same agency that mandates that
my tire pressure be checked each time my car is serviced - never
mind that I travel 30 miles to the service center and the tires are
HOT so I have to re-do the pressure after every visit.   With the
truck rule - making so many trucks illegal, and forcing
manufacturers and even other companies NOT in CA to get to
"zero-emissions" is completely upending small businesses while
achieving nothing.  Until China and India do their part, there is
no way CARB's various rules will have any more than an
infinitesimal effect - but it will affect and ruin so many
businesses.  CA already suffers high gas prices because of the
summer and winter gas formulations - we can't get gas from other
states.  The truck rule will increase the cost of trucking, which
therefore raises prices on goods.  In addition, the diesel
particulate filters have caused fires and mechanical malfunctions -
this is just a case of a small group's wishes being forced on the
rest of us.  You're OK with housing construction close to freeways
- but you claim diesel trucks are a threat to public health.  CA
has the highest proverty rate in the nation and this rule will make
it worse - with so little to gain - VOTE IT DOWN!

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2019-11-25 16:27:24

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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