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Comment 2 for Second 15-Day Notice for in-Use Locomotive Regulation (locomotive222nd15day) - 15-2.

First NameBradley
Last NameDias
SubjectCARB Regulations Affecting the Working Class.

I believe that CARB regulations, especially those on vehicles a
decade old and older, restrict the mobility and job opportunities
of the less fortunate by driving up prices on used cars and the
repair of used cars. My vehicle, which has served me well for the
past decade and a half, has come up with an issue with its
catalytic converter requiring its replacement. Upon viewing the
legal CARB CATs, nearly all were discontinued and the one that
wasn't costs a little more than 6 grand. That is a little more than
a quarter of what the vehicle cost back when I bought it and no
doubt half, if not more than half, of what it would be worth now.
Even newer cars are affected by this price increase as
manufacturers must make catalytic converters to pass your high

Please consider the people of California as a whole as we all do
not live in a city and have access to public transportation or the
funds to buy a new car, let alone an electric car with a battery
that would fail and require 10,000 or more dollars to replace in
less than a decade. I understand the want for a cleaner populace,
but at the moment EVs are not viable yet as per our current
technology. I know this because I work with and on them. I hope you
consider lowering regulation standards at least for older, cheaper
vehicles if not all vehicles.

Have a pleasant day.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2023-08-22 22:26:12

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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