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Comment 1 for Open Comment for the October 28, 2021 Board Meeting (oct282021opencomm) - Non-Reg.

First NameRitobrata
Last NameSur
AffiliationIndrio Technologies Inc
SubjectGas sensing technology from Indrio Technologies
Please see a transcript of my presentation during the open comments
session on October 28, 2021 below:

1.	Hello, Chair Randolph and members of the board. My name is Rito
Sur, PhD and I am the CEO/ Founder of Indrio Technologies based in
San Jose, California. Today I will talk about our laser based
chemical sensors that are available to help you meet your air
quality and climate change goals.

2.	The core technology was developed by me and my colleagues at
Stanford University after a decade of research.

3.	Indrio makes 2 main types of sensors:  
a. Sampled or open path gas sensors, we call Zephyr, which can be
used for environmental sensing. We have delivered several units of
these sensors to CARB (with Walter Ham and Shaohua Hu's teams), and

   	b. The second type of sensors from Indrio are deployed directly
inside the high temperature exhausts of vehicles, locomotives,
ships, power plants, etc. we call Ignis. Our Ignis sensors are
currently under development.

4.	Our Zephyr sensors are currently being piloted by CARB staff to
flag high emitting trucks on road as a part of your "Portable
Emissions AcQuisition System" program.... commonly referred to as

5.	Our Ignis sensor technology is currently under development for
studying NOx and ammonia emissions for Portable Emissions
Monitoring Systems or PEMS and OBD applications in vehicles. We are
currently funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the
US Department of Energy (DOE) to develop these sensors. We have
also received a portion of the grant provided by CARB to the UC
Riverside CE-CERT team led by Dr. Kent Johnson to contribute 10 of
our next generation sensors for their study. These Ignis sensors
can play a critical role in your "near zero NOx" heavy duty diesel
engine emissions standards program. Our sensors can detect
ultra-low levels of NOx without interference from ammonia, which is
a fundamental problem in achieving accurate control in next
generation aftertreatment systems. My company has been working with
different engine manufacturers to test and validate our technology
and we welcome your support in this endeavor.

6.	Other applications for the sensors from Indrio Technologies
include Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems or CEMS monitoring
at power plants, oil refineries and other industrial sources;

7.	Fence line monitoring of methane, ammonia and other gases around
refineries, oil and gas fields and similar facilities.

8.	Indrio Technologies is also researching sensor applications for
hydrogen infrastructure.

9.	Indrio Technologies develops tools to support CARB's goals.
Please consider us for small business grants and other funding
opportunities. We welcome any advice, direction and support you can
provide to us as we are a California based startup company. We are
available to meet with you and your staff at any time to further
discuss our sensor technologies and welcome you to visit and tour
our facilities in San Jose, California. Please visit our website at and contact me at or via cell at
408.410.7486. Thank you very much for your attention and my team at
I at Indrio Technologies look forward to working with you and your
staff to support your air quality and climate change goals!

Original File NameTranscript_Indrio_Technologies_Open_Comments_CARB_hearing_date_10-28-2021.pdf
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-28 11:40:50

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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