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Comment 2 for South Coast Air Basin Attainment Plan for the 2012 Annual PM2.5 Standard (southcoastpm2.52024) - Non-Reg.

First NameTyler
Last NameWebb
Subject Proposal to Extend Smog Exemption Year to 1985
Dear California Air Resources Board Members,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to propose an
extension of the current smog exemption year from 1975 to 1985.
This adjustment will align the regulation with the evolving needs
of classic car enthusiasts, reflect advancements in automotive
technology, and support environmental goals without compromising
air quality standards.

1. Preserving Automotive Heritage

Extending the exemption to vehicles manufactured up to 1985 allows
for the preservation of a broader range of historically significant
vehicles. Cars from the late 1970s and early 1980s represent
important milestones in automotive design and technology, including
early adoption of electronic fuel injection and catalytic
converters. Allowing these vehicles to be exempt acknowledges their
cultural and historical value, ensuring they can be maintained and
enjoyed by future generations.

2. Limited Environmental Impact

Classic cars represent a tiny fraction of the vehicles on
California's roads. The majority of these vehicles are driven
infrequently, primarily for special events, car shows, and
occasional leisure drives. The impact on overall emissions is
negligible compared to the vast number of modern vehicles in daily
use. Moreover, many classic car owners are committed to maintaining
their vehicles in top condition, often resulting in better
performance and lower emissions than required by the standards of
their time.

3. Encouraging Sustainable Practices

Owners of classic cars often invest in aftermarket parts and
modifications to improve performance and reduce emissions. By
recognizing the advancements made in automotive technology up to
1985, CARB can encourage owners to adopt these improvements. For
instance, retrofitting older vehicles with modern emission control
systems can be incentivized, promoting cleaner air while preserving
the aesthetic and historical integrity of classic cars.

4. Supporting Small Businesses

The classic car industry supports numerous small businesses across
California, including restoration shops, parts suppliers, and event
organizers. Extending the exemption year would provide economic
benefits to these enterprises by broadening the market and
encouraging more restoration projects. This, in turn, would
stimulate job creation and local economies, contributing positively
to the state's economic health.

5. Reflecting Technological Progress

By 1985, significant progress had been made in emission control
technologies. Cars from this era were equipped with more advanced
systems compared to their predecessors. Recognizing these
advancements by extending the exemption year would be a logical
step, reflecting the improved environmental performance of these
vehicles and the reduced impact they have compared to older


Extending the smog exemption year to 1985 is a balanced approach
that honors the automotive heritage, supports small businesses, and
maintains our commitment to clean air. I urge the California Air
Resources Board to consider this proposal, which represents a
thoughtful, forward-looking policy adjustment.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am confident that this
change will benefit California's classic car community and the
state as a whole.

Thank you,

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-05-21 13:24:05

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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