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Comment 2889 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

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Subjectoff shore fishing extortion by CARB
CARB a non elected unaccountable bureaucratic gang of headhunters
have found a small group of tax paying hard working folks to strong
arm and cram there unfounded wrath upon. Most of these fishing
boats only operate in costal waters a fraction of the time most of
their time is spent on waters outside CARB jurisdiction. The rules
proposed would only cause hardship and not help the air quality.
Such a small fleet spending very little time in coastal waters is a
non factor, but CARB has set its sights small operators and will
fine most boats out of business. STOP the extortion. 

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-13 17:29:59

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